About us

 is a free events aggregator for upcoming climate tech events in Boston, sent as a weekly newsletter.

As of August 2023, we've listed over 260 events since the newsletter started in September 2022, and have grown to over 2,000 readers.

  • 📅 Check the live-updated calendar (or subscribe to the iCal feed) here.

  • ➕ Submit events via this form

  • 💬 Join the Boston Climate Crew WhatsApp group (over 500 participants) here for discussions and more informal announcements.

  • Bonus:

    job tracker- aggregating 30,000+ jobs postings from 1000+ climate tech company job boards, updated daily

Testimonials for this newsletter

“As a VC investing across mobility and transportation, I check out the newsletter weekly to thoroughly understand the Boston climate tech landscape. It’s also been helpful comparing notes with Steven on my own newsletter

Profile photo of Amy Dai

Amy Dai, Investor at Fontinalis Partners

“I started exploring climate tech as a mechanical engineer last year, and Boston Climate Tech was one of the most useful tools in exploring the ecosystem. It was a wonderful one-stop shop! I went to several exploration and networking events, found relevant jobs and companies, and was connected to other important resources that helped me in my career transition.

I specifically want to call out brilliance of the ClimateTechList job board- the power of the filters and up-to date information made this tool instrumental in speeding up my job application process.

Profile photo of Mukul Bhatt

Mukul Bhatt, Robotics & Hardware engineer

“Boston Climate Tech calendar has become my one-stop-shop to be active in the climate community. After using it, I have been able to meet many driven people excited about the same topics as me. I found out about the first Harvard Climate Symposium and was able to attend because of the newsletter.”

Hannan Rhodes, Director of Technology at ECA Solar

“I use Boston Climate Tech on a regular basis and love how easy it is to see what's going on around town, just from looking at my calendar! (I use the iCal integration) Steven does a fantastic job curating local climate events!”

Lauren Shum | World Economic Forum

Lauren Shum, former Dept of Energy PM, VP engineering at Sunforge and DEKA electrical engineer

“I found out about the MIT Climate & Energy reception in November 2022 through the Boston Climate Tech newsletter. As a former Sloan Executive MBA student, I received many newsletters from MIT about the event, but sifting through the events was a challenge. Boston Climate Tech solved this problem by filtering all the events through an easily digestible format and live calendar view”

Matthew Harrington - President and Founder - GymIt | LinkedIn

Matthew Harrington, President & Founder @GymIt

“I am currently doing a job search for a software engineering position in climate tech/greentech, and I have found Boston Climate Tech very helpful for finding networking events in Boston! I recently came to Boston to meet members of the climate tech community, and used this resource to plan out my trip. I also appreciate the up-to-date job posting board!

Profile photo of Lucas Kasser

Lucas Kasser, Senior Software Engineer

“The easy calendar integration and consolidated newsletter make it convenient for me to stay updated on events and startups in Boston. Check it out and subscribe to the calendar (and tell your friends to submit events)!”

Profile photo of Tobias Egle, PhD

—  Tobias Egle, Investor at M Ventures

“I first heard about Boston Climate Tech through the Work On Climate Slack community. Because of the newsletter, I was able to attend the MIT sustainability summit in April 2023 and had a very inspiring experience.”

Yu Cheng, PhD

—  Yu Cheng,  Founding Data Scientist at TrustCheck

Who runs this newsletter?

👋 I’m Steven Zhang, creator of

, a job board for software engineers looking to work on climate (in Boston, but also anywhere in the world).

and are both passion projects of mine- I’m exploring early/founding engineering roles at climate tech companies and wanted to do my part to help other software engineers/Bostonians

Please DM me on Linkedin if you have any questions or want to help with this newsletter!

Subscribe to Boston Climate Tech by Steven Zhang / ClimateTechList.com

A weekly digest of virtual and in-person climate tech events in Greater Boston. Hosted by ClimateTechList — the web's most comprehensive climate tech jobs site. Created by Steven Zhang


Creator of ClimateTechList — the web's most comprehensive climate tech job board, bostonclimate.com, Interconnection queue data: interconnection.fyi, & warntracker.com: layoff insights from public records Contact me: linkedin.com/in/stevenqzhang